A question for all you Silver Samurai players out there - Forums Forum Jump: Please select one: -------------------- Private Messages User Control Panel Who's Online Search Forums Forums Home -------------------- Discussion Groups-- Fighting Game Discussion-- General Discussion-- Strategy & TacticsThe Dojo-- Tournament Results-- Tournaments & Events-- Evolution 2002 Suggestions & Discussion-- Evolution 2002 Player Hookup & LogisticsShoryuken Media Studios-- Fan Art Gallery-- Fan Fiction Library-- Image MishmashApex-- APEX Questions and Feedback-- Atlantic North: Discussion & Matchmaking-- Atlantic South: Discussion & Matchmaking-- Midwest: Discussion & Matchmaking-- Northwest: Discussion & Matchmaking-- Pac-North: Discussion & Matchmaking-- Pac-South: Discussion & Matchmaking-- Southwest: Discussion & MatchmakingTalkback Forum-- Domination 101Administration-- Headlines-- Suggestions and Feedback • Show a Printable Version • Email This Page to Someone! • Receive updates to this thread • Forums > Discussion Groups > Strategy & Tactics > A question for all you Silver Samurai players out there AuthorThread Zero Indivisible Posts: 6660 Registered: Sep 2000 Location: Buffalo, NY Posted: 10:17:2000 07:35 AM Here's the thing: when I first played MvC2, Silver Samurai was my main character. However, as time passed by, I stopped playing him, since he dies to the keep away. However, now that I have an ultimate team of my own, I want to make a good team with Silver Samurai to kind of be a secondary, for fun team. I want to put Storm out first, because she makes a good battery for Silver Samurai, him being a meter hog and all. So the question is, who do you guys think I should put as a third character? http://www.geocities.com/kamikaze_zx/thaohmaru.jpg "Don't worry Jill, I got..THIS!! -Barret IP: Logged shadowcharlie euro thuggin' Posts: 2004 Registered: Sep 2000 Location: BATON Rouge LA Posted: 10:17:2000 07:53 AM cable but if you dont like beamers id say cammy or strider or cap too easy http://www.geocities.com/jjomega_2007/jps/jj_shadow.jpg IP: Logged KD-0079 Member Posts: 58 Registered: Oct 2000 Location: Posted: 10:18:2000 05:42 AM id have to say strider because ive seen a good trap with him and silver samurai.the other day i was in the arcade and i was playing this guy who was using strider/silver samrai/dan.he have strider perform the orboros and let silver samurai do his shuriken assist,while i was blocking the shuriken onslaught,he teleported behind me with strider and lit my ass the fuck up with non-stop combos until the orboros ran out.while he was beating me senseless,he kept sending silver samurai out to do the shurikens on me. IP: Logged Dark Strider Member Posts: 52 Registered: Oct 2000 Location: Slver Spring,MD,USA Posted: 10:18:2000 06:09 AM Definitely Strider. No questions asked. IP: Logged Deviant Master of Chi-Kung Posts: 107 Registered: Oct 2000 Location: upper darby, pa, usa Posted: 10:19:2000 01:20 AM well, if you wanna be semi serious with your team, then i'd say go for cyc or ken, or psylocke... someone else with a good AAA, but if you wanna have fun, omega red is nice, and charges meter fairly well, like storm, so you can have lotsa fun with SS and his supermunching tendencies IP: Logged Zero Indivisible Posts: 6660 Registered: Sep 2000 Location: Buffalo, NY Posted: 10:19:2000 05:27 AM Thanks for the input, fellas. Since you guys seem to perfer Strider, I'll try him out (since I'm preety good with him). Deviant, you seem to understand what I'm getting at with what I want in a 3rd character: Backup/Cleanup. Strider is good for cleanup, but his backup skills aren't good, however. But Cyclops....I know he's a huge asset in my Storm/Cable/Cyclops team. I could use him...or Ken.... well thanks guys! I'm definatly going to look into your suggestions! http://www.geocities.com/kamikaze_zx/thaohmaru.jpg "Don't worry, I got..THIS!! -Barry IP: Logged Cybermitsu The Samurai of Cyberspace Posts: 474 Registered: Aug 2000 Location: UCD for the next 4 years... hopefully Posted: 10:21:2000 11:59 PM If you go with anyone that uses an AAA, your in luck. With Silver Samurai, you can strip plenty of energy from a character by assist xx Raimei Ken. Takes away about 50% with the right amount of mashing >_< IP: Logged silenttiger Senior Member Posts: 367 Registered: Nov 2000 Location: That Place Between Here and There Posted: 11:16:2000 11:23 PM I like to use Silver Samurai with Guile. As my third carachter, I often use Magneto. There is a nice triple super that can be done by linking Guile's Air Super to Silver Samurai's lightning super. I also like freezing them with Silver Samurai's ice super then tagging in Magneto's Magnetic Shockwave. Guile seems to be a good battery for Silver Samurai to me. IP: Logged SilverGear "Enigmatic Existence" Posts: 4604 Registered: Sep 2000 Location: Port St. Lucie, Florida Posted: 11:21:2000 05:16 AM I personally use Spiral (With Dancing Sword Assist). She does mad chipping damage and if you call out her Assist during a Super the chipping goes mad ^_^ Plus she's a pretty good back-up character herself. Silver- I put the "Fun" in Funeral! "By killing those who were against me I lost my ability to fear...."- S. Dio IP: Logged Phobos Senior Member Posts: 103 Registered: Dec 2000 Location: Modesto,CA ,usa Posted: 12:07:2000 10:00 AM I use jin/b magneto/b collossus/a stider/g jugg/b akuma/g jin/b doom/b blackheart/b storm/b doom/a blackheart/b try these teams..later IP: Logged Joe Darque TheDarqueOne Posts: 902 Registered: Nov 2000 Location: Portsmouth, Va. Posted: 12:08:2000 11:13 AM yeah Strider is definately a good choice. i use him with SS in my Akuma/Silver Samurai/Strider team.his variety asist is a good setup for Sil Sam's lightning super. http://www.crosswinds.net/~akuma13/Animted_GIFs/kof98/Ruwn3.gif http://www.crosswinds.net/~akuma13/Animted_GIFs/kof98/Mattnt.gif http://www.crosswinds.net/~akuma13/Animted_GIFs/kof98/vcetnt.gif MY BLOODLUST TEAM. KOF 98 JD-0079 IP: Logged Iceman Counter Poster Posts: 1223 Registered: Jul 2000 Location: Virginia Tech Posted: 12:08:2000 12:08 PM I like Storm/Doom/SS. This is DHC power!! And Ice-powered SS + Doom = Chip damage! IP: Logged All times are GMT. The time now is 05:00 PM. Rate This Thread: Select a rating... 5 .. Best 4 3 .. Average 2 1 .. 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